Best Free YouTube Tips For Video Creators 2024!

Check out the 7 free YouTube tips and tricks you can use to increase your videos and channel audience and watch time. These are the things that separate successful from unsuccessful video creators.

YouTube is an excellent platform to show your talents and monetize your content. But, first of all, you should have good content. Create appealing content for your users. That will keep them watching, thus increasing – retention. If you want to bring users to your website, create the intro for your channel videos, and you can also tell viewers where to get additional information.

Now you have a lot of choices available when it comes to creating your own video. An interview with someone is one of the best and simplest ways to make an interesting and interactive video. And the perfect thing is to interview someone in your well-known niche. This further increases the sense of your authority among the viewers – because you have been able to persuade your popular “big-time” niche “friend” to accept an interview.

You can buy YouTube views, subscribers, and likes to boost your channel and videos.

1. Target The Right Keywords

Use the video title for your targeted keywords or key phrases! You need some keyword analysis in advance to find more about hat users search the most and the competition. You can use semi-free tools like or Neil Patel’s Ubersuggest.

2. Use Your Video Description Correctly And Fill It Up!

Start the description with a few words and a clickable URL cause that’s the first user will see, and you can direct him to your website right away. Then add a small article, which could be a description of the things the video is about and other details the viewer wants to know about and take action. Google considers all videos as pages, so fill the description up with 200-300 words.

A small trick I do is adding the title at the end of the description. Like, thank you for watching my video “video title”. Please like and subscribe.

3. Power Up Your Tags

Only enter the targeted keywords to your tags but don’t overdo it. The 4-5 would be enough, we don’t want to spam it. YouTube will find it in your title and description.

4. The “Viral types” of Videos

* Humorous Videos * Informational Videos * Weird Videos * Video Shocking * Inspirational Videos * Intriguing Videos* Video Testimonial * Tutorial Videos*

These types of videos have the most chance of going viral on YouTube.

5. Pick A Captivating Title

While your video can appear in Google’s or YouTube’s top search results, the user might decide not to click on it. The great trick to capturing more viewers is to get a very captivating title for your video. The title clearly has to give the impression, “Hey, I’ve got the details you want, so click on me.” Adding a year like 2024 to a video title ensures viewers that the content is fresh and up to date.

6. The Thumbnail Image Should Be Appealing

Your video thumbnail appears in the search results of YouTube and Google. Typically the thumbnail is the first, central, or last frame of the video. There are a lot of twists and right moves you can make to increase the chances of your videos getting more viewers. In this post, I have shown how by just using a custom thumbnail image for a video, it went from 50 to 1,000 views a day

7. Use Comments On Other Videos To Bring Users To Your Channel

Visit other channels on which your future customers are likely to be finding answers or posting comments about what they are interested in. You may want to search for videos that talk about laptops if you are selling laptops or doing reviews. Use comments to give advice or your experiences. Make sure you’re sounding like a regular user, not an advertiser.

The fact that you serve your business should not be noticeable. You can sound like a regular YouTube user who gives fellow YouTube users just positive advice. You can, for example, criticize some product and say hey, I made a video about a much better alternative.

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